If you’re familiar with this site, then you’ll know we’re all about the side hustle. We love making a bit of extra cash in our free time.
But it’s not always easy to find ways to make money on the side. Especially when you’ve got a busy schedule and can’t always commit to regular gigs.
So, praise the lord that I came across a crafty money-making app which not only gives you ways to earn money on the side, but it’s convenient and easy to do. When I really needed an extra source of earnings it had me like:

I’ll excuse your skepticism, I was too. But this app actually works. I’ve now road tested it for over 6 weeks and in that time I’ve made over £70. A nice little earner!
Actually, this review was first written after 6 weeks of using it, but I’ve updated it since. And in total (after several months) I’ve gone on to earn over £200 in total, making this a very nice little earner indeed:

In this post, I’m going to tell you about what it is, how I used it and also give you my tips for maximising your earnings through it, because you’ve got to know how to play this thing if you want to make any money.
What is the Be My Eye App?
Ok, let me firstly say that I have absolutely no affiliation to this app, or the people behind it. I’m just sharing my experience here and the only thing I ask is that if you found it useful then sign up with my link here using invite code 5ez737 and we’ll both get an extra £1 when you complete your first mission. Let the good times roll!
Be My Eye is an app that’s available on both iPhone and android and it allows you to earn money from completing missions in your local area. Don’t confuse it with ‘Be My Eyes’ app on iPhone, which is all about helping blind people, and you won’t make any money out of that.
It’s easy to download and get started – you can make sure you’ve got the right app by going through this link – then you simply set up your user profile and away you go….

At this point you’re probably wondering what the ‘missions’ are that you might be asked to do in the app. You can park all thoughts of illegal activities and getting into drugs mule-scenarios here. It’s all legit, as BeMyEye.com themselves explain (image taken from their site):

For example, you might be asked to go into a local supermarket and check if they are stocking a certain brand of water. All you’d have to do to complete the mission is:
- Reserve a mission – this will make the job exclusively yours for a specific length of time. Nobody else can touch it, so you don’t have to worry about a turf war.
- Go to the location and check in – Using the GPS on your phone, you go to the location marked on the app. When you’re close, you’ll have the option to check in.
- Complete the mission: take pictures, record notes, follow the instructions in the app – the app lists what you have to do in a very straightforward step-by-step way. Your mission will probably involve taking pictures of something, answering questions and making notes – all of which you do in the app. You might have to ask questions of people in the store.
- Wait for your job to be reviewed and approved – jobs are reviewed by real people in BeMyEye HQ – usually approved within 24 hours (but can take longer if they are busy). I had my first 16 jobs approved with no rejections, so although the waiting might give you sweaty palms, if you’ve followed the instructions there shouldn’t be any problems.
- See the cash hit your account and sing and dance all the way to the bank – your money shows up in the app as soon as the mission is approved. Once you’ve got over £10 built up, you can instantly withdraw it to your PayPal account. You can only make one withdrawal every 14 days at first, though.

Getting the cash in my BeMyEye account like….
Here’s a video explaining all of that if you want more detail:
It really is very, very easy to use. I highly recommend giving it a go.
How much money can I make?
As I said above, I made over £70 in my spare time over a 6 week period.
But how much you make will depend on two things: a) how determined you are to get jobs and b) the availability of jobs in your area.
So, if you live somewhere that sounds like it’s on the set of The Archers (for the kids, that means the countryside) then you probably won’t find many jobs near you.
Where the app really comes into its own is if you find yourself travelling into towns for any reason. The bigger the town, the more opportunities it is likely to have.

Missions are likely to be limited unless you’re in towns. So if you spend all your time in a desert wasteland, it might not be for you.
Personally, I commute into London each weekday for work. I hate the commute, but it does put me in the busiest city in the UK, giving me lots of potential missions. But that’s not to say that you need to be in London: only 11 of the first 16 missions I’ve done have been here. Large towns will also have jobs come up frequently.
The only way you’re really going to be able to see what’s available is to download the app and give it a try.
Now, the downside of London being an extremely busy place is that there’s more competition for jobs. Clearly I’m not the only ‘Eye’ around – in fact, BeMyEye claims to have a million of them across various countries – so there are lots of other people trying to reserve missions before you can. I’ve lost loads this way. Even by telling you about this app, I’m probably reducing my chances of earning through it 🙁

This town ain’t big enough for all of us. Three BeMyEye users, all wondering which one of them will manage to reserve the mission first….
To get jobs, you have to keep checking the app for availability and act fast when you see one. But don’t take on jobs that you can’t or don’t want to do as that will hurt your rating.
Important: when you first download the app, you might not find very many jobs at all. But persist with it. Jobs are loaded on in waves, and often there are hundreds of jobs loaded on – all at one time! Sometimes, you’ve just got to patiently wait.
In my case, I checked the app a couple of times a day and reserved jobs that were near to me. I completed them either in my lunch break or after work. Sometimes the missions were almost literally on my doorstep. Other times I had to go further afield. You’ll find yourself having to check the missions screen a lot – but when you reserve one it’s pure excitement.

Each mission tends to pay between £3 and £6, depending on the complexity of it. So you’re not making mega-bucks on any particular mission and I’d suggest that if you’re going miles out of your way then it isn’t worth the transport costs. Best to wait for jobs that are more convenient.
Why Be My Eye Might NOT be for You if You’re Not Confident
The vast majority of the missions on BME ask you to go into a shop and take pictures. Sometimes A LOT of pictures. Other times you’ll be asked to interact with a member of staff. Often, you’ll be asked to do this without giving away what you’re up to (since you’re supposed to by ‘mystery shopping’).
For some, being this covert may feel socially awkward. There’s always the possibility that a member of staff might ask you what you’re doing. If you don’t feel confident enough to deal with this, you’re not going to enjoy using Be My Eye.
Personally, however, I enjoy the little bit of excitement that comes with doing this. And what I’ve realised over time is that the vast majority of shop workers don’t really care what you’re up to. Everyone has a mobile phone these days and it’s not that unusual for someone to take a photo of something in a shop.
So, if the shop assistant asks you if you’re ok, don’t crumble and flee the store. Instead, just play it cool and say you’re just browsing, or just taking a picture of something for a friend (my favourite is that I’m shopping for my very fussy wife, and she wants pictures). Then calmly get the mission done and bank the cash.
How to Make the Most Money With the BeMyEye App
It’s absolutely crucial to use the app as efficiently as possible if you want to maximise your earnings. Here’s the things that work best:
Top tips for making money with BeMyEye:
- Check the app frequently for new missions as they disappear fast. New missions can appear at any time – there’s no specific time they’re released.
- Make sure that you’ve turned on alerts so that you get a notification when a new job appears in your area.
- Build your points balance by successfully completing missions as this gives you earlier access to missions and longer to complete them.
- Don’t take on missions you can’t complete – you only get a couple of hours to complete each job. Don’t accept a job that you can’t do in that time period as you’ll be docked points and your reputation will suffer, making it harder to get jobs.
- Use a phone that is up to the job – the missions involve checking-in using your GPS, running the app smoothly and taking good quality photos. If your phone is going to let you down on any of those aspects, you’re going to struggle.
- Carefully read and follow the instructions for each job – unsurprisingly, missions will only be accepted if you’ve done exactly what was asked. If you didn’t take the right photos, or find the right location then it’s a fail.
The overall verdict
I came across BeMyEye by looking for the highest rated money-making apps out there. Unlike some others, this particular app has not disappointed me.
Yes, it can sometimes be difficult to find missions, as there is a lot of competition for them and they go fast, but when you do get one you get a buzz of excitement.
The app is quite easy to use and I genuinely enjoyed completing several of the missions. As ridiculous as it sounds, I started viewing them like mini-adventures and I discovered places that I wouldn’t otherwise had gone.
Here are some of my highlights / lowlights:

- Finding new places in London. Like discovering the fantastic St Bartholomew’s Hospital.
- One or two of the jobs were a little far to walk, so I took a brisk bike ride (thank you to London’s readily-available Boris bikes). This one was along the Thames. The downside was that paying for this travel (even at just £2 a ride) took a significant chunk of my earnings, so I tried not to take missions like this often.
- It was a bit of fun walking around London in my free time doing these missions until the heatwave arrived. Then things took a big turn for the worse. ‘Melting point’ doesn’t even do it justice. The sweat I had on getting to one of the missions was just plain disgusting.
- One mission required me to purchase a drink (which I got reimbursed for) in a bar. This was in the ‘melting point’ week and this task came like an oasis in the desert!
Overall the BeMyEye app is a nice little way to earn some cash and have a bit of fun. If you’re in a busy town or city they appear to have a steady stream of opportunities to complete missions (though competition to bag these jobs is fairly intense), and the app itself is easy to use and reliable.
A big win!
If you want to get on and start using the BeMyEye app then please consider doing so using this link here using invite code 5ez737. That will give you an extra £1 bonus when you complete your first job (and £1 will also go into the coffers of this website – where we’re trying to grow our little project with your help).
Whilst you’re here, if you’re interested in other ways of making money, why not check out some of our other favourites: